Song Il Gook Denies Rumors of Plans to Run for Office

Actor Song Il Gook has personally quashed reports that he is planning to run for a position in the National Assembly next spring.

Song Il Gook is currently starring in KBS‘ “Superman Returns” with his triplets, and is also filming the much-anticipated KBS historical drama “Jang Young Sil,” which is set to premiere in January 2016.

On the morning of September 25, Song Il Gook told Star News over the phone, “[The rumors that I am] running for office in the election next year are absurd. They’re completely groundless.”

“‘Jang Young Sil,’ the KBS 1TV historical drama I’m filming right now, will be airing next January,” Song Il Gook says. “The election is in April, so it doesn’t make sense. If they had known about that, they wouldn’t have written that I was planning to run for office,” he adds with a laugh.

According to the current Public Official Election Act and the Special Provision on Campaign Broadcasting Review, nominees are prohibited from making certain kinds of television appearances for 90 days before the election. Song Il Gook therefore points out that if he wanted to run for office, he would have to drop out of “Jang Young Sil” in the middle of the show.

“It’s a completely false rumor. I won’t be running for office,” Song Il Gook clarifies.

You can catch Song Il Gook every Sunday on “Superman Returns.”

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