Son Ye Jin Offers Her Own Thoughts on Why Actresses Get Married Late

Actress Son Ye Jin offered an explanation as to why actresses seem to wait until they’re older to get married.

On December 2, she said in an interview with SINA, “I’m 34 years old right now. I didn’t understand this before but as time goes on, I understand why actresses get married late. There are so many things I want to do, and because there’s a lot of happiness with work.”

However, she also said, “I think I’m going to mature more as an actress as I have my own family and children. I hope my own marriage isn’t too late.”

As for her ideal type, she said, “Since we can’t live as normal housewives being actresses, I hope it’s someone who is very understanding.” She added, “I hope it’s someone who is warm, and someone who I can communicate well with.”

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