INFINITE Opens Official Instagram
INFINITE has joined Instagram! Although many individual members of the group already have their own personal Instagram, Woollim Entertainment has opened an official page for the entire group.
The nine pictures posted form to create the teaser image to INFINITE’s latest Japanese release “Can’t Get Over You,” with the words “INFINITE & INSPIRIT” written across the top of the image.
You can follow their official Instagram account @official_ifnt_.
In addition, members Dongwoo (@ddong_gg0), Woohyun (@nwh91), Hoya (@isayhousayya), L (@kim_msl), and Sungjong (@ssongjjong.ifnt) also have their own personal accounts.
INFINITE is currently filming for their reality show, “INFINITE Showtime,” which is due to premiere today at 6 p.m. KST.