Red Velvet Discuss Their Popularity With Soldiers for High Cut

Red Velvet have showed off their spring styles for style fashion magazine High Cut.

In the newly released photos, you can sense the members all ready to welcome the season. The photo shoot takes place in a garden as well as in a house and their outfits especially draw attention for their similar looks.

Irene and Joy, in one cut, touch hands as they face each other and in another picture, Yeri and Seulgi lightly hug each other, showing a strong sense of connection between the members.

In their full shot, they are each wearing a one-piece dress with different colored prints that show off their girly young styles. For this photo shoot, they are wearing key looks for this season for the SJSJ brand.

red velvet 1red velvet

In the accompanying interview, they shared about their popularity in army bases. Red Velvet recently won third place in a popularity poll for girl groups popular in army bases. Seulgi said, “We couldn’t believe it because we haven’t actually performed a lot in army bases,” with Wendy adding, “I think they like the bright energy that we give off on stage.”

Joy is currently one-half of the popular couple with Yook Sungjae of BTOB on MBC’s variety show “We Got Married.” She shared about her on-air husband, “Yook Sungjae and I are comfortable and match well together. Our sense of humor are similar so I think many people like to watch us. He’s a very caring and nice oppa.”

You can see more pictures in the upcoming edition number 171 for High Cut magazine.

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