I.O.I Sheds Tears Talking About Their Mothers On “Taxi”
On May 31, the members of I.O.I appeared as guests on the tvN show “Taxi.”
While on the show, the talk turned to the topic of mothers.
“I didn’t see my parents for four months while doing ‘Produce 101,” Jung Chaeyeon said. “If you look at her KakaoTalk profile, she has one of my selfies as the profile picture. She wrote, ‘The daughter I miss’ under it. On the day of our showcase, she wrote, ‘It’s a special day.’”
She added, “Lately there have been negative things surrounding me so my mother sent me a text. I thought I would cry if I read it so I haven’t read it yet.”
Yoo Yeonjung also shed tears talking about her mother. “On the day of my showcase, my mother brought all my clothes and things in a big basket. She came up to me and said brightly, ‘I brought your things for you.’ But I must have been sleepy and instead of saying thank you, I just told her I’d see her later. But after the showcase we had to go another schedule right away and I didn’t get a chance to greet her properly.”
In another car (the eleven girls were separated into two different cars), Kim Sohye talked about her hardships and sent a video message to her mom.
“When I was on ‘Produce 101,’ I was a bad dancer,” she said. “I practiced my choreography all night without sleeping. Every time I thought I had it, my head would go blank. I cried all day.”
To her mom, she said, “It wasn’t easy to get here and I have to keep working hard in the future. I love I.O.I. I’ll work hard, I promise. Fighting!”