6 Things People Do In

Dramaland. We all, at some point or another, have wanted to live in it. Happy endings for the underdogs and getting swept off your feet by swoony leads — yes please! But alas, Dramaland isn’t as perfect as it seems, with its unusually high casualty count, evil mothers-in-law, and birth secrets around every corner. While those are extreme cases, Dramaland people in general also tend to have quirky tendencies. Here are five things people do in Dramaland that would probably not be socially accepted in real life (as told by “Dear Fair Lady Kong Shim”).



1. Playing hide-and-seek in garbage

I know it sounds like so much fun, but I promise you it isn’t


as fun

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as it looks.

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Trust me.

2. Drunkenly mistaking other people’s homes as yours

And taking all the blankets…




But without the cuddle the second time around…

3. Making your crush’s face out of a rice roll

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4. Cast kabedon

Kabedon (or wall-slamming) by itself is already awkward (and, ok, a little teensy bit swoony, but mostly awkward). Throw in a cast, and well…

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To Dan Tae’s credit, I think he pulls it off… sort of.

5. Keeping and sticking a used (!) band aid on a mirror

How could this be so cute but so unhygienic at the same time?

6. Using a bike bell to clear your path

Minus the bike.

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The moment I realized that Kong Shim was my spirit animal. 

While there are so many more quirky and funny moments that may not fly in the real world, this is, after all, Dramaland. Sometimes ruled by K-Drama Logic (but not quite in the way you expect), other times by a spunky heroine and her two sweetie pie male leads, the world of “Dear Fair Lady Kong Shim” is somewhere I wouldn’t mind living!

Catch the latest episode on Viki!

mayme22’s favorite Bible verse is 1 Peter 3:3-4.

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