8 Korean Indie Songs You've Probably Never Heard Of (But Should Add To Your Playlist)
Although many of us are familiar with the latest mainstream K-pop songs, we tend to forget about, or are completely unaware of, the other genres of Korean music that exist. Here we highlight eight songs from artists that you may or may not be familiar with but should definitely add to your playlist!
This song is older than the rest of the songs from this list, but I feel that I cannot introduce indie music without talking about MOT. With this haunting yet soothing track they caught my attention and described in melodious sound the indescribable feelings we are often unable to express.
Can you believe NELL has been around since 2001? As masterfully packaged as this song may be its charm lies in the lyrics, which encourage us to hold on. Jong Wan’s unique voice is accompanied with a simple melody that is comparable to a children’s lullaby.
There is something so sincere Chamsom’s music. The band, which consists of three members always delivers with clean acoustics and strong harmonies.
OOHYO is a rising musician that many of our favorite idols also listen to. In this track, she really captures the beauty and tragedy of “Youth.” The song comes in two different versions that are equally mesmerizing. Listen to both and be blown away by her ability to arrange music in order to portray a feeling.
This song plays like a kaleidoscope with its many colors, coming together to form one concrete sound that truly captivates. Though GRAYE and CIFIKA are emerging artists, their sound is full of life. Add this to your playlist for those moments you are in a daze, yet your mind is bouncing from wall to wall.
This odd and jazzy track contains no lyrics but only random audio samples; it definitely needs to be on your playlist as well. Giving off a retro vibe yet keeping with the modern styles, HUMMING URBAN STEREO are the smooth creators of music that uniquely blends.
Now this is one of those R&B flavored songs that I could listen to over and over again on the radio. It’s catchy and the artist has a voice that is pleasing to the ears. The whole album is really an alluring composition.
Yes, I admit I only know this song because of “Don’t Dare to Dream,” but it is too good not to share. Bless your ears with this rainy-mood track that gives us a feeling of love.
“Why don’t you have a boyfriend yet?” ask my relatives. I shrug and tell them I’m too busy, declining to mention the fact that I am actually in multiple parasocial relationships with my favorite celebrities. It’s the fan-girl life for me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Join me, somilha, as I consume more K-pop, more dramas, and anything I can get my hands on through the Internet.