BTS Takes 5th Win For "Blood Sweat & Tears" On "The Show"
BTS has grabbed another music show win for their hit “Blood Sweat & Tears”!
On October 25’s episode of SBS MTV’s “The Show,” BTS was up against Ladies’ Code and I.O.I for the first place spot. BTS won with a total score of 8,936, I.O.I came in second with 7,450 points, and Ladies’ Code took third place with a score of 5,234.
Although BTS performed on the show that day, they were unable to attend the final winners announcement, and the hosts promised to make sure they get their trophy.
Watch their performance below!
Other performances this week were by I.O.I, 100%, HIGH4 20, SF9, Na Yoon Kwon, Dal Shabet, Ladies’ Code, Matilda, Bulldok, Big Brain, Seol Ha Yoon, Anda, GirlsGirls, Oh!Bliss, Crayon Pop, and 24K.
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