Watch: CL Teams Up With CNN Style While On North America Tour
CL continues her reign in the United States as she unveils a collaboration with CNN Style.
On November 8, CNN Style released a teaser on their official Facebook page that showed CL walking through the streets of New York. The video is captioned, “We’ve been cooking up something fresh with CL.. More #comingsoon to CNN Style #clcnnstyle.”
More recently, on November 9,CNN Style shared another video with the message, “CL has gone from Seoul to the Big Apple and beyond. Find out how and why on November 10, on CNN Style,” that indicates we’ll find out more about this collaboration tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, CL’s tour –“Hello Bitches Tour 2016” – kicked off on October 29 in New York and will continue till November 14 across the United States and Canada.
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