11 Times K-Pop MVs Made You Wish They Were Actual K-Dramas
While most K-pop music videos are colorful montages of dancing and closeups, sometimes we’re also blown away by the cinematic wonders of a music video with a storyline. In no particular order, here are a few of the times those music video storylines made us wish they were actual K-dramas instead.
We all know how legendary the music video for “One Shot” is, but B.A.P takes their storytelling up a notch with the music video for their recent title track, “Skydive.” The music video has all the makings of a dark and thrilling film, and it definitely has the potential to be even longer than the ten minutes it already is.
Though we may know who “X” is by the end, there are still tons of plot points and questions that the group could definitely expand on if they had the opportunity to make it a real film. And who wouldn’t love to see the men of B.A.P in a bloody, thrilling, action-packed drama?
If five minutes of this music video can turn you into a bawling, incoherent mess, imagine what a full hour could do. WINNER’s Nam Taehyun gives us all the feels in the music video for his solo track “I’m Young,” and it makes you feel less like you’re watching a music video and more like you’re seeing the trailer of an unreleased drama.
There’s a lot of real, raw emotion between Taehyun and his lover here — enough to make you wonder just what exactly happened to them and how they’ve gotten to the point that they have. And yet, even though it looks as if they’re just any other couple going through relationship problems, we get to the end and we realize that they’re not. There’s more. It flows like an indie movie, and it would be amazing to see the storyline expanded upon in a longer medium.
Way before we fell for EXO in their web drama “EXO Next Door,” they dropped drama versions of their music videos in 2013 and instantly had us wishing they’d make the music videos into a full drama. From the members all rallying together to fight off a common threat, to former EXO member Luhan’s inability to control his own strength (remember when EXO had super powers?) and consequently sending D.O. to the hospital, these two music videos give us a taste of all the classic things we love about K-dramas.
I don’t know about you, but I’m still waiting on the third episode of this drama music video series, ’cause it definitely has the potential for more climactic twists and turns. And obviously, who can get enough of EXO acting together?
I’ve been dying to see a K-drama pull off this genre as well as this single five minute music video from VIXX, but let’s be real here: who can pull off an intricate concept better than the “concept idols” themselves? If this were ever made into a real K-drama, I’d expect no one other than the men of VIXX to bring it to life. It has drama, science fiction, and romance all wrapped in one — plus an amazing cyborg in former KARA member Youngji.
Every once in a while, idol groups unite and reward us with a glorious collaboration we can cherish for years on end. Girls’ Generation and 2PM’s “Cabi Song” is the perfect example of that. Even though it’s technically a commercial, I would definitely spend hours upon hours binge watching this if it was ever made into a real K-drama.
It would be the perfect summer drama, complete with an amazing soundtrack from both groups. Plus, Taecyeon and Yoona already have plenty of acting credits to their names — it’s a match made in heaven. I’m already getting my snacks ready for binge-watching the nonexistent drama just thinking about it.
I love when groups take on stories in their music videos instead of opting for just choreography, not only because it’s more interesting, but it also gives us the chance to see all of the group members together acting — which, when it comes to actual K-dramas, doesn’t always happen.
With that said, MONSTA X excels in “All In.” The music video introduces this interesting dystopian reality we don’t exactly know everything about. There’s a beautiful, fiercely protective quality in Minhyuk’s character and the way he cares for Hyungwon’s character — along with a compelling symbolism in the blue flowers the members are seen with constantly throughout the music video. Paired with the cult’s formation and the destruction the boys run from, “All In” will easily leave you wanting more from start to finish.
If there were ever a music video capable of both stimulating your mind and making you sob your heart out, Sunny Hill’s “Pray” would be that music video. It’s only five minutes long, and yet it manages to still be a fascinating take on both the parallels and the relationship between science and religion, yet also an innovative take on the limits of the entertainment industry — showcased in the music video’s main character, a deformed mutant.
The music video is skilled in its ability to stimulate an abundance of interpretations. That in itself gives it the ability to both stand as the short film that it already is, or propel it into a longer form that invites more thought and conversation.
Honestly, what’s more relatable than Akdong Musician’s music video for “200%”? This always hits you right in the heart every time you watch it, especially once you reach the end. It’s a classic “expectations versus reality” type of music video that could easily translate into a coming-of-age high school K-drama. Plus, actor and model Nam Joo Hyuk already features as Lee Soohyun’s crush. It could definitely work as a series.
Before SM STATION gave SM Entertainment artists the opportunity to collaborate with musicians from outside labels, I would have never pictured EXO’s Chen and rapper Heize in the same room together — let alone in the same music video. But “Lil’ Something” works, both musically and visually.
Chen is an adorable production assistant (or intern?) with a very puppy love type crush on Heize, and I can already imagine tons of different conflicts involving both of them being in the fashion world if this music video were adapted into an actual drama.
The music videos BTS put out for the singles from their “The Most Beautiful Moment in Life” trilogy are remarkable ones, primarily because of how open-ended they are. A story doesn’t always need words. BTS displays just that in the music video for “Run,” along with “I Need U” and their concept trailers. The group’s ability to present scenes that interweave and connect for an overarching theme is impressive.
On the flip side, because the music video for “Run” is so ambiguous and open to interpretation, I would’ve loved to see it turned into a mini drama of some sort. BTS explored youth like no other group with their albums for this era, and watching the music videos definitely makes you wish they turned the theme into a drama — even if it was just for a few episodes.
brookenicole writes from YG’s basement until her (indefinitely) postponed debut. You can find her on Twitter.