Watch: Song Triplets Adorably Wish Daebak A Happy Birthday

On November 14, Daebak’s mother Lee Soo Jin uploaded a video of the Song triplets wishing Daebak a happy birthday on her Instagram account. She explained in the post that it was a surprise video present for Daebak and thanked the triplets for the congratulatory song.

Daehan, Minguk, and Manse each say, “Daebak, I love you,” and “Happy birthday Daebak,” while singing the birthday song. Minguk especially gets into singing and sings the birthday song in English before finishing in Korean.

Watch the adorable video below!

A video posted by 오남매맘 (@jeshia2) on

The Song triplets and Daebak previously met through “The Return of Superman.” Check out the latest episode below!


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