Manse Dominates the Ski Slopes In New Video By Song Il Gook
Watch out for Manse on the slopes!
On November 20, actor Song Il Gook updated his Instagram (@songilkook) with an adorable video of one of his triplets, the ever irresistible Manse. The video shows Manse with his arms wide open, skiing all by himself, down the snowy white slopes. He captioned it, “Manse finally can ski by himself. After the video ended, I safely caught him. Whew~ haha.”
Fans of the triplets who kept up with their growth during their time on the KBS variety show “The Return Of Superman” will remember that Song Il Gook had tried many times to get his sons to learn skiing, and it looks like all of his efforts have finally paid off!
Check out the latest episode of the show on Viki here below!
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