The Wonder Girls Tweet WGFacts

Is there something you always wanted to know about the Wonder Girls? Are you dying to ask them about their favorite movies, music, even an article of clothing? Well, the WGFacts are here to answer those questions and even more.

Stars Love Rainstory Umbrellas

It’s rainy season here in Korea, which is no joke. If you go outside unprepared, there’s a high likelihood that you’re going to find yourself ducking for cover in the nearest store just so you can buy an umbrella. We’ve done this often enough that we’ve noticed umbrella displays prominently featuring photos of the SNSD girls, Kim Yu-Na, and Park Min Young among other celebrities. The brand is called Rainstory, and they sell cute umbrellas and rain boots. They also market themselves in a clever way, getting all the hottest celebrities to pose with their products. Check it out!

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