5 ENHYPEN Members Test Positive For COVID-19
Five members of ENHYPEN have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
On September 2, the group’s agency BELIFT LAB announced that members Jungwon, Heeseung, Jay, Jake and Sunghoon tested positive for COVID-19 while undergoing self-quarantine after coming in close contact with a positive case.
The statement reads as follows:
ENHYPEN members Jungwon, Heeseung, Jay, Jake and Sunghoon have been diagnosed as positive for the COVID-19 infection while undergoing self-quarantine.
Following the confirmation of a COVID-19 case on a production site, ENHYPEN entered into preemptive self-quarantine from Thursday, August 26, and was classified by government authorities on Friday, August 27 as requiring self-quarantine due to close contact. During his self-quarantine, Jake began exhibiting symptoms including coughing and a fever on Sunday, August 29, and after reporting his symptoms to the local government health center, he underwent PCR testing. He was found positive for COVID-19 on the morning of Monday, August 30. Subsequently, members Jungwon, Heeseung, Jay, and Sunghoon began showing similar symptoms on Monday, and PCR testing was carried out, which confirmed their positive diagnoses for COVID-19. Following instructions from health authorities, the necessary measures are being carried out, including assignment and relocation to treatment facilities; the members are currently showing light symptoms.
After the COVID-19 case occurred on site on Wednesday, August 25, all who were present including the artists underwent PCR testing, were confirmed as negative, and entered into self-quarantine; as such, the possibility of further spread is low.
All artists and staff undergoing self-quarantine performed self-testing twice a day and closely monitored their health and quickly carried out PCR testing as soon as any symptoms appeared.
We apologize for causing concern to all fans by being unable to prevent the occurrence of this series of infections despite our effort to ensure that precautions were in place on site. Our company will provide full support for the rapid recovery of the members, placing the health and safety of our artists as our highest priority. In addition, we will continue to cooperate fully with requests and instructions from government health authorities.
Thank you.
Wishing the ENHYPEN members a speedy recovery!
Source (1)