Video Released of Big Bang Having Fun

On the 13th, Seunngri posted on his me2day account the following video clip, along with the description “I saw Big Bang’s T.O.P and Taeyang at the Byunsan Daemyung Resort. It was amazing.”

In the video clip, T.O.P and Taeyang are having a good time like little kids with a big smile on their face. And soon you hear Seungri’s voice saying, “What? Wow, it’s T.O.P., T.O.P. he looks so hot in person.” And then Seungri turns the camera toward Taeyang and continues to play around, stating “Taeyang is really good looking in person too.”

Netizens who have seen the video commented, “The way they hang out is so cute,” “Yeah I bet they’re really hot when you see them in person?”, “Seungri is still in love with T.O.P.” Meanwhile, Big Bang has released a special edition album with “Stupid Liar” and “Love Song” as their double title songs.

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