DBSK Yunho’s Personal Shoelace Tier?

Pictures of DBSK’s Yunho getting his shoelace tied by a personal stylist were posted on an online community on July 3rd. In the photo, Yunho is standing with hands on his waist, while his personal stylist is on the ground tying shoelaces for him.

The person who posted the photo said, “How detailed…the rolled up pants must also be part of the stylist’s delicate planning,” praising the stylist’s attention to detail.

After seeing this photo, netizens commented, “It looks like a mom tying her son’s shoelaces,” “Yunho has beautiful calf muscles,” “We can’t be envious of the stylist, because Yunho’s fashion is perfect,” and “It’s admirable to see DBSK’s staff work so hard.”

Yunho is currently competing in SBS “Kim Yuna’s Kiss & Cry,” a celebrity survival program where contestants give figure skating performances in front of Olympic gold medalist Kim Yuna.

Source: Newsen

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