Kim Hyun Joong's 90 Degree Bow

Singer Kim Hyun Joong‘s knack for greeting and acknowledging juniors and seniors alike with a signature 90 degree bow has been gaining the attention of netizens. 

Recently the internet community has gotten quite sensitive over courteous manners and appropriate behaviors of celebrities, and this very environment has taken Kim Hyun Joong’s actions into focus. In the picture Kim Hyun Joong, without giving regard to the age or status of the person he is bowing to, respectfully bows nearly 90 degrees to anyone he sees. 

The recent upset over bad manners of certain celebrities has given an even more positive light on Kim Hyun Joong himself. 

Netizens have responded: “As expected, we can count on Kim Hyun Joong,” “he is a great model,” “singers these days need to take a few lessons from Kim Hyun Joong.” 

On October 21 Kim Hyun Joong made his comeback with new song “Lucky Guy” on KBS 2TV “Music Bank” and snagged first place at the same time. 

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