2NE1's Minzy Shows Her Artsy Side With Vintage Camera App

Girl group 2NE1 member, Gong Minzy, revealed her selca picture wearing a beret hat.

Gong Minzy uploaded four different versions of the selca picture on her Twitter with the caption: “Artist Gong is finished with filming~” on February 24.

The four pictures are gaining interest for its different edited effects, which Gong Minzy revealed that she took the picture with a vintage camera application from her smart phone.

Two other pictures that she uploaded along with her selca pictures is a picture of shoes, presumably her own feet. The pictures also have been taken with the vintage camera application.

Netizens and fans who saw the four edited selca pictures responded with different reactions: “You have certainly gotten mature,” “Good job on your work and congrats for finishing~”, “Filming for what?”, and “What is the identity of the shoes!?”

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