Wonder Girls’ Second Teaser for “Like Money” Released

Just a day after releasing the first teaser for their upcoming single, “Like Money,” Wonder Girls have come out with the second teaser today! Just like the first teaser, the second video doesn’t give out much information about the new single, leaving the spot next to “Wonder Girls &“ empty again.

In this second teaser, however, you do get to hear part of the song for the first time. From what we hear, “Like Money” features a lot of eletro-dance beats and heavy synthesizer voices, but we’ll never know until the song gets released on July 10.

The lyrics for “Like Money” were written by “Cri$tyle” and composed by “RAINSTONE.” The choreography was created by Jonte Moaning, who also had created the choreography for “The DJ Is Mine” and “Be My Baby.”

Enjoy the teaser below!

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