JYJ's Junsu (XIA) Announces Comeback Date and Reveals Teaser Image

JYJ‘s Junsu previously announced he would be making a July comeback, but today he revealed the exact date. Fans, mark down July 15.

The singer’s agency, C-JeS, stated, “Kim Junsu’s second full-length album is set to be released on July 15 and he recently finished filming the music video in the U.S. Through the teaser image, Kim Junsu reveals a ‘double cut’ hairstyle for the first time since debut.”

C-JeS continued, “For last year’s first album, Junsu showed an unconventional androgynous charm, but this [album’s] concept is a mannish charisma. He formed a urban punk look through the combination of a jacket and shorts ensemble from this summer’s collection and colorful badges.” 

Junsu second album image teaser full

Regarding the music video, the agency stated, “The music video recently filmed in the U.S. will be a novel video that shows the coexistence of vintage and fantasy. An addictive color and hip-hop rhythm will come together, inviting one to a summer party, and presenting a feeling of refreshment.”

Junsu is currently busy finishing up the album and will start actively promoting beginning of July.

Can’t wait to see Jun-chan’s “charisma”!

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