Haha And Byul Show Off New Couple Necklace
The cute and cuddly couple, Haha and Byul, have shown off their lovely new couple necklace and bracelet dedicated to their soon to be born child.
Talented singer and soon to be a mother, Byul, posted the picture of their new couple necklace and bracelet along with a message saying that “A gift for the soon to be father and mother. Thank you darling. This is a bracelet. It has Dream’s Daddy and Dream’s Mama written on it in Korean. It was his (Haha’s) idea.”
In the picture we see a set of necklaces and bracelets with the word “Dream” written on a cross filled with stars along with the words “Dream’s Daddy” and “Dream’s Mama” written in Korean on the chains. This is just the latest in a series of lovely messages from the couple while the millions of solo guys like me just look in jealousy. We hope the couple continues to live a happy life and we will hopefully get to the see their healthy new born child in the next couple months.