Minzy's Change in Appearance Rouses Suspicion About Plastic Surgery

2NE1 member Minzy fell under public scrutiny for looking rather different while performing for the 1000th episode of KBS 1’s “Open Music Concert” along with fellow 2NE1 members Park Bom, CL, and Sandara Park

Netizens made screen captures of the seemingly different Minzy, whose face seemed a bit different than the features she is commonly recognized for. Most of the attention went to the singer’s nose and jawline.


Netizens commented, “Minzy’s face changed. It’s really different than how it used to look before. That can only be due to plastic surgery,” “Is it because Minzy changed the way she applies her makeup? Her face seems different…,” “Minzy got prettier. She looks like she’s grown up into a young woman,” and “Just look at her V-line jaw.” 

According to one local news source, a representative of Minzy said in a phone conversation, “Minzy is getting prettier, as she turned twenty this year. She did not get plastic surgery. She simply became prettier; there is nothing more than that.” 

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Edit: Updated with video clip from KBS 1’s “Open Music Concert” broadcast. 

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