SISTAR’s Hyorin Takes a Cute Selfie With Her Adopted Kitten

Hyorin, member of the sexy girl group, SISTAR, revealed that she recently adopted a cute kitten.

On June 2, through SISTAR’s official Twitter account, Hyorin uploaded a selca along with a message that said, “I adopted a cute baby! The baby is now three months old and is now the youngest one in our house! She knows how to look good on camera geez~ I’ll make you happy from now on chu!”

Within the revealed picture, Hyorin is seen without make-up, smiling brightly for the camera along with her adopted kitten. The picture of Hyorin and her new kitten gives a comforting feeling. Also, the way her kitten is staring into the camera shows a very cute side.

Meanwhile, Hyorin is currently the special MC for SBS’s variety show, “1000 Song Challenge.”

Check out her cute kitten in the picture below!


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