Coffee Prince's Director Will Make a New Drama in tvN

Popular drama “Coffee Prince Director Lee Yoo Jung, who previously left MBC last May, just currently moved to cable channel tvN in lieu of future projects to commence.

Director Lee will be directing a new romantic comedy entitled “Heart to Heart” that is set to release its first episode on January next year on tvN. The drama staff are still in the middle of looking for female and male leads but the synopsis for the drama is already set.

tvN also informed that plans are still in the works after the run of its currently airing dramas “Valid Love” and “Incomplete Life” and that their priority for now is to find the perfect characters for “Heart to Heart” for its release early next year.

Director Lee Yoo Jong directed dramas like “Coffee Prince”, “Triple”, “Golden Time” and many more all for MBC before she moved to tvN.

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