M.I.B’s Kangnam Reveals That It Is Difficult to Pronounce His Own Name
On the October 19 broadcast of MBC’s “Section TV,” M.I.B’s Kangnam—who has recently been gaining a lot of popularity and earning recognition through variety shows—sat down for an interview with the entertainment news program.
The interview took place at Gangnam Station, where a crowd of people gathered, proving Kangnam’s growing popularity with the public. It has been reported that one female fan asked for his number, and he surprised everyone with his unexpected behavior in response to her request.
Kangnam, who is still a bit lacking in the Korean language as he is of Japanese nationality, was asked, “What is the hardest word to pronounce?” In response to the question, the M.I.B member replied that his own Korean name, “Kangnam” is the most difficult for him to pronounce (his birth name is Namekawa Yasuo).
In another segment of the interview, Kangnam was put to the test for his Korean spelling abilities and it is said that he created much laughter at the scene, brightening up the atmosphere.