Netizen Who Made Death Threats Against Song Ga Yeon Writes Apology Letter, Agency Responds
It had been reported earlier that fighter Song Ga Yeon began to take legal action against the netizen who made death threats against her on SNS. This netizen, known as Mr. Yoon, recently uploaded a photo of his handwritten apology letter onto the martial arts gallery on an Internet community website, DC Inside.
Within the letter, he said, “I wanted to personally pay a visit and apologize but no one was here and didn’t answer my phone calls, so I am leaving some beverages with this letter here. I hope you can have a small enjoyment when you drink it while exercising, and I also hope that you recognize my expression of apology.” Mr. Yoon, along with the handwritter letter, took a photo of the beverages and uploaded them onto the gallery as well.
Also included in the letter is as follows (this is not a complete translation): “Dear Song Ga Yeon, Park Chang Se, Kim Ji Hoon, Seo Du Won. I recently uploaded a photo of a chainsaw along with a comment that I wanted to kill Song Ga Yeon onto her SNS, and brought much harm through continuous comments of malice on the Internet. I really wanted to give my sincere apologies through a personal visit but I couldn’t get in contact with you, even through the lawyer. Since there was no other way to meet you I came here unannounced. I am leaving some beverages for you while you exercise as well as my handwritten letter. By law there is no way for me to avoid consequences but I thought that rather than a meaningless apology, this would be a better way for me to express my sincerity. I deserve to be punished by law but I wanted to apologize for my rash language and wanted to let you know that I deeply regret my actions.”
At the end of his letter, Mr. Yoon also wrote, “Next week, I am starting a new construction project. If by any chance it rains either next Monday or Tuesday I will come back. If not please take into consideration that it will be difficult for me to come back since I will be in the countryside.”
Later, on October 24, the lawyer for Song Ga Yeon’s management agency, Road FC Entertainment, revealed that there will be no clemency for the netizen. Lawyer Choi Young Ki revealed to Star News, “The publication of the letter by the netizen in question was actually done before the charges were filed. If you look at the content, the netizen is unilaterally demanding a meeting on a Monday because that is the only day he is free. In our perspective we cannot accept that as a form of sincere apology.” He continued, “We have not heard back from this netizen since we filed a formal complaint. Now we are even more against the idea of dismissing our complaint than ever.”