The Kimchi Slap Effect: 'Liar Game' Brings You the Pizza Slap

Do you know the Kimchi Slap? You should because that was an epic moment in K-drama history. (See 5 K-Drama Actors Having a Worse Day Than YouActor Won Ki Joon Says He Suffered a Headache All Night after Filming the Famous ‘Kimchi Slap’)

kimchi slap

After such a defining moment in K-drama evolution, it’s only natural we take it one step further. And tvN’s “Liar Game” has…with the Pizza Slap.

pizza slap liar game

On the October 28 episode (episode 4) of “Liar Game,” actor Jo Jae Yoon (“Empress Ki“) was slapped with a whole pie of pizza in the face while he was trying to protect Nam Da Jung (Kim So Eun) from loan sharks.

It is said that Jo Jae Yoon asked for more sauce on the pizza and for it to be thrown harder for a better effect.

Which seems more painful- the kimchi or the pizza slap?

“Liar Game” airs every Monday and Tuesday at 11 p.m. KST.

[tv]Watch the epic pizza slap on SoompiTV[/tv]

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