g.o.d's Son Ho Young's Advice to Idols: "Don't Believe Idol Groups Will Last Forever"
g.o.d‘s Son Ho Young reminisced about his earlier days and gave a word of advice to B1A4‘s Sandeul and ZE:A‘s Dongjun, with whom he is currently working on a musical together.
On October 30, an open rehearsal for an upcoming musical “All Shook Up” took place in a studio in Seoul. “All Shook Up” is a musical about Elvis Presley’s life, told through his songs. During the interview held after the rehearsal, Son Ho Young described an idol’s career as being similar to Elvis Presley’s, and advised his current cast members Dongjun and Sandeul.
Son Ho Young said, “I’ve had a bit of trial and error so I do have some advice [for the idols.] We [g.o.d] were successful, then we had our hardships, and now we found our happiness again.”
He then carefully added, “Looking back on it now, I’m the most regretful about not enjoying the moment. Idol groups can last a long time but you need to stop thinking that it will last forever. Even now, I don’t believe that g.o.d did greatly. We are only able to get back together because we realize that this is good and makes us happy at this moment, and we can push off worrying about other things.”
“We all lived different lives, so it was natural that we didn’t get along the best as a group. g.o.d fought all the time, just like families. But if you really click, you will be loved for a long time and enjoy that together.”