Woman Crush Wednesday: 'Dream High's' Kim Pil Suk

This week on Woman Crush Wednesday, we’re leaving behind all the leading ladies, such as previous woman crushes Geum Jan Di in “Boys Over Flowers” and Go Eun Chan from “Coffee Prince,” in favor of an often overlooked but very special gal. She can usually be found sitting on the sidelines rather than in the spotlight, but can make just as big of an impact as anybody. She’s not even second lead, but third – if there’s even such a thing in Drama Land. This woman, ladies and gentlemen, is none other than Kim Pil Suk from “Dream High.”

Due to her choice of wardrobe during the Kirin School of Arts audition, Kim Pil Suk is nicknamed Miss Sushi. She’s an overweight girl with an amazing voice, which is problematic for one who wishes for fame. Uncertain of how to reject her application solely based on appearances, Kim Pil Suk luckily claims a spot for herself at Kirin, where even sky high dreams can be reached.

Her accomplishments doesn’t stop there as Kim Pil Suk also claims a spot here on our weekly Woman Crush Wednesday feature. These are the five reasons why (spoilers ahead):

1. Kim Pil Suk is super cute!

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From that first encounter where she wore the sushi costume to the way she would faithfully leave candy at Jason‘s locker, Kim Pil Suk is cute from head to toe. She falls over in surprise if Jason gets too close, leaves him cute sticky notes, and constantly carries around a doll like a security blanket. Her chuckles and excited dances are nothing short of endearing and her slightly spastic demeanor is humorous and delightful. But the great thing about her is that, despite her naturally adorable nature, when it comes to music and singing, Kim Pil Suk is completely serious, dedicated, and passionate.

2. She has the voice of an angel.

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This reason is pretty self explanatory, but Kim Pil Suk possesses absolute pitch. Her voice is absolutely amazing and captivating to the point where you’ll find yourself lost in her songs whenever she sings. You may unintentionally sway to her music, get chills, or backtrack just to hear her sing again. She’ll make you wish you were a Kirin student as well, so you can sit with her and listen to her melodic voice on a daily basis.

3. Kim Pil Suk is downright gutsy… at times.

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For someone often soft spoken, Kim Pil Suk has her moments of courage. Going on stage to sing in front of hundreds of people is always a brave act and she pulls it off effortlessly. Having the ability to let Jason know he was in the wrong, giving him a dose of common sense, with complete seriousness and without a trace of adoration in her eyes and tone is another form of courage. Oh, and let’s not forget grabbing Jason by the neck, almost forcibly, as he pulled away from giving her nose a peck to land a big one, we assume, on the lips. Hehe. If that’s not courage, then I’ll need to find myself a dictionary!

4. She has ambitions, hopes, and dreams.

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Now, this is mixing things up, but in a drama I watched recently, “Fated to Love You,” the leading male, Lee Gun, said something I really agreed with, something that I thought applies to Kim Pil Suk as I was dissecting all the parts of her that I thought made her crush worthy and all the reasons why I like her. He said, “a woman is most lovable and beautiful when she’s a girl full of dreams.” From the beginning, we were able to see Kim Pil Suk’s dreams and how it has shaped her to change, develop, and grow. We saw how hard she strove to achieve those dreams and how passionate she was about singing. Even when she did not win the contest in the end, she still found an occupation where she could sing and kept that dream alive.

5. Kim Pil Suk is not a mold.

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I’m all about promoting good health and keeping a fitness regime, but I’m also a firm believer that we were all born with a natural variety of shapes and sizes. With that said, it was refreshing to see someone like Kim Pil Suk, someone who didn’t stop dreaming simply because her outward appearance would have made her an outcast. For some teachers, they very reluctantly accepted her as a student, but managed to eventually look beyond her figure and see her talent, potential, and heart. For other teachers, they accepted her from the beginning and for that, they earned a special place in my heart.

Kim Pil Suk’s weight loss was expected, especially since she was becoming more exposed to talent agencies and stage performances. While a sad fact, it’s universally known that there is a higher chance for success if you’re thin and beautiful, and for a long moment, I feared that our beloved Kim Pil Suk would become nothing more than a mold – someone who portrayed the exact idea that you must be a certain size in order to become successful and to be loved by others.

Thankfully, Kim Pil Suk remained true to herself and solidified herself as crush worthy when she proved time and time again that she was actually quite comfortable in her skin when she was heavier. She even felt awkward when others insinuated that she wasn’t. Eventually, Kim Pil Suk settled for a weight in-between her heaviest and lightest, while still maintaining her love, friends, and happiness.

All in all, I’d say Kim Pil Suk sets a great example that we should be self-confident, regardless of what we may or may not look like, since it’s the interior – the heart and soul – that truly matters. For these reasons, I deemed Kim Pil Suk Woman Crush Wednesday worthy.

What do you think about Kim Pil Suk? Who would you like to see featured next? Make sure to let us know in the comments below as next week’s Woman Crush Wednesday will be a mystery reveal, where the featured woman will be randomly selected from Soompiers’ nominations found in this article, as well as the articles from the previous two weeks!

[tv]Let Kim Pil Suk captivate you with her voice on “Dream High” at SoompiTV![/tv]

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