After School Fans Petition for a Comeback
It has been a long time since fans have seen After School promoting in Korea. This June will mark three years that the Korean fans have gone without a new After School song. Although Orange Caramel has been active during that time, the last song the group promoted as a whole was “First Love” in 2013.
To prevent this from happening, some After School fans have taken the matter into their own hands. A fan with an online ID Aqua Z from the United States has started a change.org petition aimed at Pledis Entertainment, asking them to release a new album for After School.
Aqua Z commented, “After School made what Pledis is today, and to ignore the girls’ wishes to come back as a group and instead promote their sub-unit is completely unfair to both the girls and their fans.”
Over a thousand fans have signed the petition after only three days since it’s conception. Hopefully this news will reach Pledis!
Thanks to Sarah for the tip!