Byul And Haha Happily Reveal Gender Of Their Second Child
Singer Byul has revealed the gender of her child due next April through Instagram on October 24, with a lovely shot of her and her son Dream walking hand-in-hand.
Along with the photo, she leaves a fond dedication for Dream, which reads, “Dream, while raising you, Mom has been feeling a happiness that cannot be expressed in words. I’m so thankful to be your mother♡ When your baby brother is born soon, may he grow up to be as kind and lovely as you.”
She continues, “Let’s stay even more healthy and happy. I love you and wish more blessings upon you, Dream♡ Congratulations on becoming a big brother.”
Haha is also receiving the well-wishes of fans through his Instagram post where he excitedly announces that their second child is a boy.
He wrote, “I’m feeling great~!!! It’s a boy!!! Kyakyakyakya. I’ll raise you courageously! Ya man! #RichWithSons #ALittleDaytimeDrink #IShouldLiveDiligently~!!! Are my eyes… a little sad…?”
기분좋네~!!!!! 아들입니다!!! 캬캬캬캬캬캬캬캬캬 용감한형제로 키울게요~!!! 야만!!!!! #아들부자 #살짝 낮술 #열심히살아야지~!!! 눈이….사알짝 슬프나…??
A photo posted by ha dong hoon (@quanhaha79) on
The couple was married in 2012 and had their first son Dream in July the following year.
Congratulations to the happy family!
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