“The Wolf” is a costume and romance drama starring Li Qin as Ma Zhai Xing, a government official’s daughter who befriends a wolf-raised boy (Darren Wang) in her teenage years and is forced to quit contact with him due to a political conspiracy. Eight years later, she meets the boy again, but only to find… Continue reading Wild And Sensational Romance: 6 Reasons To Binge-Watch C-Drama “The Wolf”
Author: karliexiao
Sweet And Breezy Romance: 5 Reasons To Fall In Love With C-Drama “My Unicorn Girl”
“My Unicorn Girl” is a sweet school rom-com that revolves around the love and dreams of two young, talented student athletes—the aspiring figure skater Sang Tian (Chen Yao) and the talented ice hockey player Wen Bing (Darren Chen). On her 18th birthday, Sang Tian makes a wish to enter her mother’s school to become part of… Continue reading Sweet And Breezy Romance: 5 Reasons To Fall In Love With C-Drama “My Unicorn Girl”