Watch: Cast Of

tvN’s upcoming weekend drama “Lawless Lawyer” has shared a behind-the-scenes look of their decent teasers that shows the characters acting out various scenes and having fun while doing so!

First, Lee Joon Gi takes on an action scene inside a bathroom with a would-be assailant, and he switches between serious and charismatic to joking with ease. In another scene, both Lee Joon Gi and Seo Ye Ji seem to have a little trouble tossing car keys at each other. First, Seo Ye Ji accidentally hits herself with her umbrella as she tries to catch the keys. Then, when Lee Joon Gi tries to catch them later, they bounce out of his hand and hit Seo Ye Ji again. The cast and crew burst out into laughter as Seo Ye Ji starts laughing. At one point, the actress accidentally presses something wrong, setting off the car alarm. Surprised by the sudden noise, she hands the keys to a staff member and scuttles away in fear.

In a new scene, Lee Hye Young is looking imposing as she sits in a leather chair. However, she jokes around with the crew as she says, “Don’t I look nervous?” and “Oh, my wrist is aching, how can I possibly lift that cup?” Though she exudes charisma as a judge, when the director shouts, “Cut!” she breaks out into a smile and does a cute gesture of victory from completing the scene. Choi Min Soo, who plays an evil mob boss, looks equally as intimidating as he prepares for his scenes, but that goes away when he breaks out into a warm smile and asks the staff if he could have some coffee. However, when the cameras are rolling again, he’s back to being the scary mob boss who is ready to cause trouble.

“Lawless Lawyer” is set to begin airing on May 12 at 9 p.m. KST on tvN.

Check out the fun video below!

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