[Exclusive] Soompi’s Interview with FTISLAND & CNBLUE (Part 1)

"FTISLAND & CNBLUE “Stand Up” by M Live" will be held tonight, Friday March 9, at the famous Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. The day before the big show, Soompi sat down with the two idol bands for an interview. The boys share their thoughts on visiting America, their musical growth, future plans, and more! Check our part I of our interview segment, featuring FT Island. Part II featuring CN Blue will be up shortly!

[Exclusive] Hollywood Star Jamie Chung Interview

In yet another exclusive interview, Soompi.com caught up with reality show star-turned-Hollywood actress Jamie Chung. Most of you are probably more familiar with her roles in MTV reality shows, “Real World: San Diego” and “Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Inferno II,” but Jamie has been able to successfully turn her career into professional acting and has built up a respectable filmography for a young actress.

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