Joo Won Caught Gazing into Choi Kang Hee’s Eyes

A still cut of one scene from MBC’s new mini-series drama “7th Grade Civil Servant” reveals with Choi Kang Hee and Joo Won dancing together. In the scene, Choi Kang Hee plays a character named Seo Won, who just joined the National Intelligence Service (NIS).  As part of the training program with NIS, she takes… Continue reading Joo Won Caught Gazing into Choi Kang Hee’s Eyes

Stills of Joo Won and Choi Kang Hee from Upcoming Drama “7th Level Civil Servant”

Stills of Joo Won and Choi Kang Hee dancing together for the upcoming drama “7th Level Civil Servant” were released. The stills show a scene from the drama where Choi Kang Hee and Joo Won are in a dancing class. It has been reported that the scene required three big-scale cameras and more than 30… Continue reading Stills of Joo Won and Choi Kang Hee from Upcoming Drama “7th Level Civil Servant”

Uhm Tae Woong Joins Upcoming Drama “Level Seven Civil Servant”

Actor Uhm Tae Woong is set to make an appearance as a genius spy in the upcoming drama, “Level 7 Civil Servant.” The character Uhm Tae Woong will be playing for is the mysterious intelligent spy. His identity is secured, yet he is to clash with the newbie NIS agent Han Gil Ro, actor Joo… Continue reading Uhm Tae Woong Joins Upcoming Drama “Level Seven Civil Servant”

2PM’s Chansung Transforms into a Charismatic Special Forces Soldier

2PM’s Chansung recently transformed into a special forces solider in Thailand. As previously reported, the singer returned to his acting roots by joining Joo Won and Choi Kang Hee for MBC drama “Level 7 Civil Servant.” Earlier today, the production team unveiled a new still of the singer-actor looking charismatic in his special forces uniform.… Continue reading 2PM’s Chansung Transforms into a Charismatic Special Forces Soldier

Joo Won Shifts to Romantic Comedy in New Spy Role

Joo Won goes from one spy role to the next. Just after wrapping “Bridal Mask,” in which he played the lead character, local news agencies report the actor taking on another spy character. This time, however, Joo Won challenges himself with romantic comedy. Reports said he is cast in “Secret Lovers,” a drama based on… Continue reading Joo Won Shifts to Romantic Comedy in New Spy Role

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