GOT7’s “Just Right” MV Breaks 10 Million Views on YouTube

The music video for GOT7‘s “Just Right” has reached a new milestone, breaking 10 million views on YouTube in less than three weeks of its release. Uploaded on July 13, “Just Right” easily reached its first milestone of one million views within the first 12 hours of its release. At press time, the music video… Continue reading GOT7’s “Just Right” MV Breaks 10 Million Views on YouTube

BIGBANG Breaks 200 Million Views Total from “MADE SERIES” Music Videos

BIGBANG has been racking up the view count on YouTube and Chinese streaming sites with their music video releases for “MADE SERIES,” breaking 200 million total views across all videos. Don’t believe us? No problem because we’ve done the math for you. Let’s start with YouTube. As of July 14 8 a.m. (KST), the music… Continue reading BIGBANG Breaks 200 Million Views Total from “MADE SERIES” Music Videos

GOT7’s “Just Right” MV Breaks 1 Million Views Within 12 Hours of Release

GOT7‘s new music video for “Just Right” has broken one million views on YouTube within merely twelve hours of its release on July 13. Just Right combines southern hiphop rhythm and pop melody, and it is about comforting a girlfriend who is full of worries. The production team of “Just Right” consists of the songwriting team Jackie Boyz, who have produced for… Continue reading GOT7’s “Just Right” MV Breaks 1 Million Views Within 12 Hours of Release

BIGBANG’s “Bang Bang Bang” Breaks 20.2 Million Views in Less Than Three Weeks

BIGBANG are proving that they plan to close out this month with a bang as they prepare for the next round of “MADE Series.” The music video for their latest double headliner “Bang Bang Bang” has as of press time attracted 20,253,028 views on YouTube. In other words, in less than three weeks, “Bang Bang Bang” has broken a staggering… Continue reading BIGBANG’s “Bang Bang Bang” Breaks 20.2 Million Views in Less Than Three Weeks

BIGBANG’s “Loser” Reaches 10 Million Views in Less Than Four Days

Within just 88 hours of its release, the music video for BIGBANG‘s “Loser” has reached 10 million views on YouTube. According to YG Entertainment, the impressive milestone was reached on May 4 at around 4 p.m. local time. The music video for “BAE BAE” is quickly catching up with the pace of “Loser” with over eight million views… Continue reading BIGBANG’s “Loser” Reaches 10 Million Views in Less Than Four Days

Jinusean’s “Tell Me One More Time” MV Breaks One Million Views in Four Days

Despite their 11 year hiatus, hip-hop veterans Jinusean have been proving that they’ve still got it. In addition to topping music charts, the group has broken one million views in just four days for their new music video for “Tell Me One More Time.” Since its release on April 15 midnight (KST), “Tell Me One… Continue reading Jinusean’s “Tell Me One More Time” MV Breaks One Million Views in Four Days

Girls’ Generation’s “Catch Me If You Can” MV Breaks 5.5 Million Views in 3 Days

The music video for girl group Girls’ Generation’s brand new track “Catch Me If You Can” has broken 5.5 million views on YouTube in just three days! As of April 13 at 11:20 a.m. (KST), the music video for the Korean version of the song has recorded an impressive 5,573,172 views, 183,867 likes, and 26,009… Continue reading Girls’ Generation’s “Catch Me If You Can” MV Breaks 5.5 Million Views in 3 Days

EXO’s “Call Me Baby” MV Records 10 Million Views in a Week

EXO celebrates three years since their debut today (April 8 KST), and there is another reason to party! The music video (Korean version) for their latest hit, “Call Me Baby,” has reached over 10 million views on YouTube in just over a week! The Chinese version is almost at six million, making a total of… Continue reading EXO’s “Call Me Baby” MV Records 10 Million Views in a Week

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