KBS MUSIC BANK 05. 20. 2011

F(x) is sweeping away reality and leaving a storybook ending in their wake……Their "Danger" [ aka Pinocchio] single topped the K-Chart at the number one spot today. BEAST and Baek Ji-young took to the comeback stage to greet fans once again with their POP-magic.

Super Junior’s Heechul a Fan of Rania!

Super Junior’s Heechul praised Rania and proved his fan status through a signed CD. At 1:20 am on his twitter he wrote, “Do people know that even I enjoy watching girl groups?” He continued, “Rania is cool on stage and off stage they are cute, good at singing and dancing however they called me “Kim Hee Chul Sunbae Nim” (Respectful way of calling somebody who has more experience in field than you do) and gave me a sign keeping a ‘bit of distance.’ (Distance as in, they were a bit too formal)”

Rania’s “Dr. Feel Good” Featured on U.S Show "Blue Mountain State 2"

According to DR Music, Rania’s debut single “Dr. Feel Good” was featured on Spike TV’s “Blue Mountain State 2.” The song featured in a club scene for “Blue Mountain State 2’s” fifth episode. DR Music stated, “We believe that the song was very classy and had elements that American drama producers would enjoy,” “our connections within the U.S state that the song has a high chance of featuring and different U.S dramas.”

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