Soo Ae Takes a Photo with Child Actress Park Min Ha

Soo Ae took a picture with her young co-star Park Min Ha. Child actress Park Min Ha, who Mason Moon calls his girlfriend, uploaded the photo with Soo Ae on her personal Twitter account on December 10. Along with the photo she posted, she wrote, “I’m at the ‘Night King’ poster photo shoot. Aunt Soo… Continue reading Soo Ae Takes a Photo with Child Actress Park Min Ha

Son Tae Young Shows Support For Husband Kwon Sang Woo

Actress Son Tae Young showed loving support fo her husband actor Kwon Sang Woo on her Facebook with a picture written “KSW♡Queen of Ambition.” The upcoming 2013 drama “Queen of Ambition” is about Yoon Na Ri (Soo Ae), a hardworking woman born into poverty who is determined to become the First Lady. Kwon Sang Woo… Continue reading Son Tae Young Shows Support For Husband Kwon Sang Woo

First Script Reading of “Night King” Held With Kwon Sang Woo, Soo Ae, Yunho and Others

The first script reading session for the upcoming drama, “Night King,” starring Kwon Sang Woo, Soo Ae, DBSK‘s Yunho and others, has been held. It has been reported that Kwon Sang Woo and Soo Ae has shown great chemistry from the start of the script reading. The script reading was held on December 6 at… Continue reading First Script Reading of “Night King” Held With Kwon Sang Woo, Soo Ae, Yunho and Others

Child Actress Park Min Ha Takes Picture With DBSK’s Yunho

Child actress Park Min Ha recently was in the spotlight for being in a relationship with “Baby Nichkhun” Mason Moon because he confessed on air. She later had a chance to talk about their special relationship. On December 6, Park Min Ha shared a picture she took with Yunho from DBSK on her twitter (author’s… Continue reading Child Actress Park Min Ha Takes Picture With DBSK’s Yunho

DBSK’s Yunho Confirmed for Upcoming Drama “Night King”

DBSK‘s Yunho has been confirmed to be part of the cast in the upcoming SBS drama, “Night King” (“Ya Wang” or “The King Of The Night“). According to broadcasting sources, Yunho will be joining the cast of “Night King,” which includes the leads Kwon Sang Woo and Soo Ae. Yunho will be attending the script… Continue reading DBSK’s Yunho Confirmed for Upcoming Drama “Night King”

Kwon Sang Woo and Soo Ae Confirmed for “Night King”

Finally! Kwon Sang Woo and Soo Ae are confirmed for the upcoming drama “Night King.” (Yawang) According to the drama’s production company on June 12, the two have signed contracts to appear on the drama. Now the drama is focusing on casting. A representative stated, “Filming will begin in August. Currently we are in talks… Continue reading Kwon Sang Woo and Soo Ae Confirmed for “Night King”

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