OCN’s “Voice” Changes To 19+ Rating For Upcoming Episodes

OCN’s “Voice” has upped its ratings. According to the staff of the drama, “Episodes 11 and 12 will have a 19+ rating. The battle between Moo Jin Hyuk (played by Jang Hyuk), Kang Kwon Joo (played by Lee Ha Na), Mo Tae Goo (played by Kim Jae Wook), and Nam Sang Tae (played by Kim Roe… Continue reading OCN’s “Voice” Changes To 19+ Rating For Upcoming Episodes

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“Voice” Responds To Korean Communications Standards Commission’s Advisory Warning

After “Voice” was submitted for censorship review to the Korean Communications Standards Commission (KCSC) because of some violent scenes, the producer and now the drama’s representatives have responded to the resultant advisory warning. On February 22, the production staff of “Voice” stated to OSEN, “From now on we will pay closer attention to our production process.” The… Continue reading “Voice” Responds To Korean Communications Standards Commission’s Advisory Warning

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Super Junior’s Yesung Talks About Acting In “Voice” And Possibly Having To Rap With Jang Hyuk

Super Junior’s Yesung sat down for an interview about his drama “Voice” with news outlet Star News. The interviewer asked, “Some viewers are saying that the crime scenes in ‘Voice’ are portrayed too explicitly and realistically. What do you think about that?” and Yesung answered, “I think it’s fine. If you look closely, we don’t… Continue reading Super Junior’s Yesung Talks About Acting In “Voice” And Possibly Having To Rap With Jang Hyuk

Super Junior’s Yesung Shares Photos Of Chanyeol’s “Cameo” In His Drama “Voice”

After EXO’s Chanyeol announced his cameo on his good friend Yesung’s current drama last week, many fans cracked up when they found out what the “cameo” actually was! Super Junior’s Yesung is currently starring in the OCN drama “Voice,” which airs on Saturday and Sunday. In February 19’s episode, Chanyeol made the cameo that he had… Continue reading Super Junior’s Yesung Shares Photos Of Chanyeol’s “Cameo” In His Drama “Voice”

Director of OCN’s “Voice” Praises Jang Hyuk For His Action Scenes

Kim Hong Sun, the director of OCN’s “Voice,” recently praised Jang Hyuk’s action scenes. The director said during an interview, “Jang Hyuk does most of his own action stunts. He’s built up a strong foundation of martial arts skills, and he has a deep affection for the show.” Kim Hong Sun also noted that Jang… Continue reading Director of OCN’s “Voice” Praises Jang Hyuk For His Action Scenes

“Voice” Producer Promises Censorship Adjustment For Future Episodes

Producer Kim Hong Sun of the popular drama “Voice” has opened up about adjusting its censorship. During a press conference on February 15, producer Kim said, “We are showing certain visuals and sounds according to its situation correctly.” He apologized, “Due to some discomfort the viewers have felt, we will adjust a few things and… Continue reading “Voice” Producer Promises Censorship Adjustment For Future Episodes

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Actor Jang Hyuk Shares The Reason For His Past Attempt At Rapping

Actor Jang Hyuk recently talked about why he once took on the challenge of rapping. On February 15, Jang Hyuk participated in the press conference for OCN’s current hit drama “Voice.” The actor was also joined by producing director Kim Hong Sun, actress Lee Hana, and more as they shared stories about the drama. During… Continue reading Actor Jang Hyuk Shares The Reason For His Past Attempt At Rapping

Lee Ha Na Talks About The Difficulties Of Working On “Voice”

At a press conference on February 15, actress Lee Ha Na revealed what is most difficult about working on the set of OCN’s “Voice.” She said, “Getting into a burlap sack to act was difficult because I am tall. I have to contort my body, which is exhausting.” The actress continued, “But even more difficult… Continue reading Lee Ha Na Talks About The Difficulties Of Working On “Voice”

OCN’s “Voice” Gets Submitted For Censorship Review Due To Violent Scenes

The Korean Communications Standards Commission has recently submitted OCN’s action drama “Voice” for censorship review. On February 14, a source from the agency stated that the program’s age rating has been reported due to complaints about violent scenes. The commission will be officially reviewing the case on February 15. The Korea Communications Commission will review the drama… Continue reading OCN’s “Voice” Gets Submitted For Censorship Review Due To Violent Scenes

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EXO’s Chanyeol Announces Cameo On His Good Friend Yesung’s Drama “Voice”

EXO member Chanyeol has shared his excitement about an upcoming cameo on the OCN drama “Voice,” but his announcement appears to have been a bit too early! On February 12, Chanyeol posted a screenshot to Instagram that features a photo of himself and Super Junior’s Yesung, who is currently playing the role of Oh Hyun Ho in “Voice.” Chanyeol… Continue reading EXO’s Chanyeol Announces Cameo On His Good Friend Yesung’s Drama “Voice”

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