Hairstyle Appreciation Day: When Hair Goes Wild!

Today is Hairstyle Appreciation Day (April 30) and, as an avid K-drama viewer, there is nothing I appreciate more about hair than when it’s messy, wild, unkempt, ruffled, and flying around in every single direction. It makes for a great comical moment and, in a world where outer appearance and elegance is of utmost importance,… Continue reading Hairstyle Appreciation Day: When Hair Goes Wild!

Celebrities and Fans Alike, Watch Out for Fake SNS Accounts?

Celebrities and fans alike need to watch out! It looks like there are an increasing number of people acting like celebrities on different social networking services! We are not talking about hacking celebrity accounts. We are talking about people acting as if they are celebrities! Kim Mi Kyung who made an appearance on MBC’s “Knee… Continue reading Celebrities and Fans Alike, Watch Out for Fake SNS Accounts?

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